Yesterday we were very pleased to be able to hold our first Open Day as the new owners of the Glenbrook White Suffolk Stud at our farm in Cordering. We were delighted to see a good number of clients attend, and we certainly hope to build on this next year.
After a good look at the young rams and our stud sires, we then had a brief introduction and welcome by Ade, who set out our vision going forward, focusing on increasing relevant data collection on our flock so that we can pinpoint where we currently stand and what we need to work on, and also discussing our plans to increase connection to linked sires to assist in strengthening up our genetic data.
We then had a couple of short but interesting talks by 2 of our Elders representatives. Thank you to Georgia Adams for her informative presentation on important sheep health issues as we go into weaning and lamb marking, and to Michael O’Neill for explaining the role of ASBVs in ram selection.
Thank you also to Nathan King and all of the Elders (Darkan) crew (Sarah, Vicki, Mitch and Zac) for your attendance and support.
Then it was on to the most important part of the day – grabbing some beers and standing around the fire (luckily the rain finally disappeared at drinks time!) until late into the evening.
Thank you to all who attended, and we look forward to seeing you all at the sale in Darkan in October.