Our sale is nearly here. We are very excited to present 150 rams to you. You can look forward to a similar sale that you are used to with Robert and Roz Cuthbert. The rams are in excellent condition and will be the same great quality that you have come to expect from Glenbrook White Suffolks.
We will have some light refreshments available on the day.
Our expectation is that buyers will take their rams from the Darkan ram shed at the end of the sale.
On a bright note for next years sale, we have 300 ram lambs ready for scanning in December. They look great and reflect the quality of the 2 Depta Grove rams purchased last year. We are mating 600 ewes in January 2024 with our current Stud sires, plus 5 Red tag rams from Glenbrook and will AI with an elite sire to take our genetics to a new level. You can be confident that we will be able to cater for your ram requirements in the future.
If you have further queries please contact Mitch Clark (Elders) via email mitchclark@elders.com.au or phone 0427565402.
View full Sale Catalogue here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h48jRUWYiqBw9S1ynDqc_oyxCbz05uk0/view?usp=sharing